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  • Stencil of the Month Club

  • Stencil of the Month Club

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    We are thrilled to announce the finalists of our Upcycle Challenge! A big thank you to everyone who participated and shared their creative projects. The competition was fierce, but we've narrowed it down to the top contenders. Now, we need your help to pick the top 3! Click below to see all the finalist and cast your vote for your favorite projects. Let's give a well-deserved round of applause to all the participants, and a special shoutout to our finalists. Thank you for making this challenge a success!

    Cast Vote!
    Upcycle Challenge 2024 (2).png__PID:19b91fa2-70c9-4c5b-a073-e6d7e36dac70

    Upcycle Challenge Finalist!

    Top Three participants will be awarded an Essential Stencil shopping spree!

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    I Restore Stuff

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    Cheers to Creativity